WPCodeBox IDE v1.0.0 Beta 1.2 Released
Mon, Mar 3rd 2025
- Improvement: make the WPCodeBox IDE work on non-standard file-system hosts.
Bugfix: the WPCodeBox IDE not working when the plugin archive name is not wpcodeboxide.zip
Housekeeping: backend code refactoring and improvements
Housekeeping: release server improvements
- Housekeeping: preparation for the WPCodey AI Assitant integration
WPCodeBox IDE v1.0.0 Beta 1.0 Released
Sat, Oct 26th 2024
WPCodeBox 2 v1.1.1 Released
Wed, May 22nd 2024- New Feature: Show snippet conditions overview on the snippet edit page
- New Feature: First version of the WPCodeBox API for 3rd party integrations
- Improvement: Show warning if the ZipArchive library is not installed and trying to generate plugins
- Improvement: FP Author URI hardcoded to wpcodebox.wpenginepowered.com
- Bugfix: "Current URL Is" condition throws error when the FP is enabled
- Bugfix: Generate plugin and FP Download not working correctly when plugin name is not "wpcodebox2"
- Bugfix: Error in logs when the FP is enabled and editing a snippet
- Bugfix: Warnings when the FP is enabled and temp folder is not writable
- Bugfix: Current user role condition error when the FP is enabled
- Bugfix: Invalid zip when generating plugins on certain server configs
WPCodeBox 2 v1.1.0 Released
Wed, 10th April 2024- New Feature: Export snippets to plugin
- New Feature: Possibility to download the Functionality Plugin
- New Feature: JSON Snippet support (for creating custom ACF Gutenberg Blocks)
- New Feature: Added “Do not render” option for CSS and JS snippets
- New Feature: Sign the code in the Functionality Plugin
- New Feature: Ability to white label the Functionality Plugin
- Improvement: Removed eval from custom conditions in the Functionality Plugin and the generated plugins
- Improvement: Removed snippet IDs from the Functionality Plugin
- Improvement: Functionality Plugin respects folder structure
- Improvement: Various Functionality Plugin improvements and cleanup of generated code
- Improvement: Added “Exactly Matches” option to the URL condition
- Improvement: Support for nested SCSS partials
- Improvement: Removed the auto-reload code from the Functionality Plugin and used it from WPCodeBox. This was breaking the FP when WPCodeBox was removed
- Improvement: Functionality Plugin revamp based on user feedback (bugfixes and improvements)
- Improvement: Add the ability to add API_KEY in wp-config.php file (define(‘WPCB_API_KEY’, ‘YOUR_API_KEY’);)
- Improvement: Disabled autocomplete in CSS comments
- Improvement: "Upload to cloud" changed to "Update" when the snippet is already saved to the cloud
- Improvement: Top bar text changes so it can fit on a single row, show the shortcuts in tooltips, and show the relevant key shortcuts based on OS (Cmd on Mac and Ctrl on PC)
- Improvement: Move external CSS and JS snippets to the Functionality Plugin when it is enabled instead of loading them from the wp-uploads folder
- Improvement: Updated the SCSS compiler library to the latest version
- Improvement: Namespaced the update library
- Improvement: On smaller displays, the repository buttons are not visible
- Improvement: Optimize repository calls only when the Repository is open
- Improvement: Added separate classes to the Cloud Snippet list so they can be customized using CSS (.cloud-snippet-list)
- Bugfix: Long snippet names caused snippets not to save
- Bugfix: Snippet toggles slow in some instances
- Bugfix: Issues with minifying and compiling SCSS introduced in the latest beta
- Bugfix: Enable/Disable toggles appearing for TXT snippets
- Bugfix: Functionality Plugin not updated when moving snippets to folders
- Bugfix: Extra spaces are present around HTML snippets that render using shortcodes
- Bugfix: "Invalid Archive" error when uploading WPCodeBox on WordPress v6.4.3
- Bugfix: Hook priority isn’t changeable
- Bugfix: AutomaticCSS autocompletion was not appearing when the line ends in something different than “color:”
- Bugfix: Don’t compile partials that are commented out
- Bugfix: When you download a Cloud Snippet, the description is not updated until a page refresh
- Bugfix: When you add more than one custom PHP condition, the condition editor won’t load for the 2nd one
- Bugfix: In some rare cases (probably when two users edit the snippet at the same time), an empty snippet is created that will break the UI and require deletion from the database
- Bugfix: When you download the UI settings from the cloud, the Codemap option is enabled, regardless of the state
- Bugfix: "Download/Upload from the cloud" is still visible in the context menu, even when using a read-only or disabled API key
- Bugfix: Condition builder appearing for SCSS partials
- Bugfix: PHP warning when Oxygen color list is empty
- Bugfix: Minification converts 0% to 0, but 0% is required for HSL CSS rendering
- Bugfix: External CSS files loaded incorrectly in some cases
- Bugfix: Date conditions don’t work in some cases
- Bugfix: admin_head not working for HTML snippets
- Bugfix: "Format Code" not working in SCSS partials
- Bugfix: When dragging a disabled snippet to a folder, the toggle in the UI shows it as enabled
- Bugfix: CSS Snippets not working in Functionality Plugin
- Bugfix: In Safari, the snippet status overlaps the save button
- Bugfix: When uploading a folder to the cloud, the snippets in the folder are duplicated
- Bugfix: Format code shortcut saves snippet instead of formatting the code
- Bugfix: PHP notice when running WP CLI commands
WPCodeBox 2 v1.1.0 RC1 Released
Thursday, 20th Mar 2024- New Feature: Export snippets to plugin
- New Feature: Possibility to download the Functionality Plugin
- New Feature: JSON Snippet support (for creating custom ACF Gutenberg Blocks)
- New Feature: Added “Do not render” option for CSS and JS snippets
- New Feature: Sign the code in the Functionality Plugin
- New Feature: Ability to white label the Functionality Plugin
- Improvement: Removed eval from custom conditions in the Functionality Plugin and the generated plugins
- Improvement: Removed snippet IDs from the Functionality Plugin
- Improvement: Functionality Plugin respects folder structure
- Improvement: Various Functionality Plugin improvements and cleanup of generated code
- Improvement: Added “Exactly Matches” option to the URL condition
- Improvement: Support for nested SCSS partials
- Improvement: Removed the auto-reload code from the Functionality Plugin and used it from WPCodeBox. This was breaking the FP when WPCodeBox was removed
- Improvement: Functionality Plugin revamp based on user feedback (bugfixes and improvements)
- Improvement: Add the ability to add API_KEY in wp-config.php file (define(‘WPCB_API_KEY’, ‘YOUR_API_KEY’);)
- Improvement: Disabled autocomplete in CSS comments
- Improvement: "Upload to cloud" changed to "Update" when the snippet is already saved to the cloud
- Improvement: Top bar text changes so it can fit on a single row, show the shortcuts in tooltips, and show the relevant key shortcuts based on OS (Cmd on Mac and Ctrl on PC)
- Improvement: Move external CSS and JS snippets to the Functionality Plugin when it is enabled instead of loading them from the wp-uploads folder
- Improvement: Updated the SCSS compiler library to the latest version
- Improvement: Namespaced the update library
- Improvement: On smaller displays, the repository buttons are not visible
- Improvement: Optimize repository calls only when the Repository is open
- Improvement: Added separate classes to the Cloud Snippet list so they can be customized using CSS (.cloud-snippet-list)
- Bugfix: Long snippet names caused snippets not to save
- Bugfix: Snippet toggles slow in some instances
- Bugfix: Issues with minifying and compiling SCSS introduced in the latest beta
- Bugfix: Enable/Disable toggles appearing for TXT snippets
- Bugfix: Functionality Plugin not updated when moving snippets to folders
- Bugfix: Extra spaces are present around HTML snippets that render using shortcodes
- Bugfix: "Invalid Archive" error when uploading WPCodeBox on WordPress v6.4.3
- Bugfix: Hook priority isn’t changeable
- Bugfix: AutomaticCSS autocompletion was not appearing when the line ends in something different than “color:”
- Bugfix: Don’t compile partials that are commented out
- Bugfix: When you download a Cloud Snippet, the description is not updated until a page refresh
- Bugfix: When you add more than one custom PHP condition, the condition editor won’t load for the 2nd one
- Bugfix: In some rare cases (probably when two users edit the snippet at the same time), an empty snippet is created that will break the UI and require deletion from the database
- Bugfix: When you download the UI settings from the cloud, the Codemap option is enabled, regardless of the state
- Bugfix: "Download/Upload from the cloud" is still visible in the context menu, even when using a read-only or disabled API key
- Bugfix: Condition builder appearing for SCSS partials
- Bugfix: PHP warning when Oxygen color list is empty
- Bugfix: Minification converts 0% to 0, but 0% is required for HSL CSS rendering
- Bugfix: External CSS files loaded incorrectly in some cases
- Bugfix: Date conditions don’t work in some cases
- Bugfix: admin_head not working for HTML snippets
- Bugfix: "Format Code" not working in SCSS partials
- Bugfix: When dragging a disabled snippet to a folder, the toggle in the UI shows it as enabled
- Bugfix: CSS Snippets not working in Functionality Plugin
- Bugfix: In Safari, the snippet status overlaps the save button
- Bugfix: When uploading a folder to the cloud, the snippets in the folder are duplicated
- Bugfix: Format code shortcut saves snippet instead of formatting the code
- Bugfix: PHP notice when running WP CLI commands
- Beta Bugfix: CSS snippets are not deleted from the assets folder in the FP
- Beta Bugfix: Condition “Everywhere” saves as empty in the FP, causing an error
WPCodeBox 2 v1.1.0 Beta 1.1 released
Wednesday, 7th Feb 2024- New Feature: Export snippets to plugin
- New Feature: Possibility to download the Functionality Plugin
- New Feature: JSON Snippet support (for creating custom ACF Gutenberg Blocks)
- New Feature: Added “Do not render” option for CSS and JS snippets
- Improvement: Removed snippet IDs from the Functionality Plugin
- Improvement: Functionality Plugin respects folder structure
- Improvement: Various Functionality Plugin improvements and cleanup of generated code
- Improvement: Added “Exactly Matches” option to the URL condition
- Bugfix: Long snippet names caused snippets not to save
- Bugfix: Snippet toggles slow in some instances
- Bugfix: Issues with minifying and compiling SCSS introduced in the latest beta
- Bugfix: Enable/Disable toggles appearing for TXT snippets
- Bugfix: Functionality Plugin not updated when moving snippets to folders
- Bugfix: Extra spaces are present around HTML snippets that render using shortcodes
- Bugfix: "Invalid Archive" error when uploading WPCodeBox on WordPress v6.4.3
WPCodeBox 2 v1.1.0 Beta 1.0 released
Tuesday, 19th Dec 2023- Improvement: Support for nested SCSS partials
- Improvement: Removed the auto reload code from the Functionality Plugin and used it from WPCodeBox. This was breaking the FP when WPCodeBox was removed
- Improvement: Functionality Plugin revamp based on user feedback (bugfixes and improvements)
- Improvement: Add the ability to add API_KEY in wp-config.php file (define(‘WPCB_API_KEY’, ‘YOUR_API_KEY’);)
- Improvement: Disabled autocomplete in CSS comments
- Improvement: "Upload to cloud" changed to "Update" when the snippet is already saved to the cloud
- Improvement: Top bar text changes so it can fit on a single row, show the shortcuts in tooltips, and show the relevant key shortcuts based on OS (Cmd on Mac and Ctrl on PC)
- Improvement: Move external CSS and JS snippets to the Functionality Plugin when it is enabled instead of loading them from the wp-uploads folder
- Improvement: Updated the SCSS compiler library to the latest version
- Improvement: Namespaced the update library
- Improvement: On smaller displays, the repository buttons are not visible
- Improvement: Optimize repository calls, only when the Repository is open
- Improvement: Added separate classes to the Cloud Snippet list so they can be customized using CSS (.cloud-snippet-list)
- Bugfix: Hook priority isn’t changeable
- Bugfix: AutomaticCSS autocompletion were not appearing when the line ends in something different than “color:”
- Bugfix: Don’t compile partials that are commented out
- Bugfix: When you download a Cloud Snippet, the description is not updated until a page refresh
- Bugfix: When you add more than one custom PHP condition, the condition editor won’t load for the 2nd one
- Bugfix: In some rare cases (probably when two users edit the snippet at the same time), an empty snippet is created that will break the UI and require deletion from the database
- Bugfix: When you download the UI settings from the cloud, the Codemap option is enabled, regardless of the state
- Bugfix: "Download/Upload from cloud" is still visible in the context menu, even when using a read-only or disabled API key
- Bugfix: Condition builder appearing for SCSS partials
- Bugfix: PHP warning when Oxygen color list is empty
- Bugfix: Minification converts 0% to 0, but 0% is required for HSL CSS rendering
- Bugfix: External CSS files loaded incorrectly in some cases
- Bugfix: Date conditions don’t work in some cases
- Bugfix: admin_head not working for HTML snippets
- Bugfix: "Format Code" not working in SCSS partials
- Bugfix: When dragging a disabled snippet to a folder, the toggle in the UI shows it as enabled
- Bugfix: CSS Snippets not working in Functionality Plugin
- Bugfix: In Safari, the snippet status overlaps the save button
- Bugfix: When uploading a folder to the cloud, the snippets in the folder are duplicated
- Bugfix: Format code shortcut saves snippet instead of formatting the code
WPCodeBox Cloud App Released
Sunday, 5th Nov 2023- New Feature: Manage your Cloud Snippets from the web app at my.wpcodebox.wpenginepowered.com
- New Feature: Revisions for you cloud snippets, so you can see change history of a snippet
- New Feature: Diff Editor in the web app, to see revisions and changes
- New Feature: Download the WPCodeBox plugin without an API Key from the Downloads Page
- New Feature: Export your Cloud Snippets from the web app
- Improvement: Legacy API Keys moved to the API Key Manager, so they can be revoked/changed
- Improvement: SCSS Partials are not served to WPCodeBox v1 request
- Improvement: Improved "My Account" area usability
- Improvement: Ability to change your email from the &qout;My Account" area
- Improvement: Various performance and security improvements
- Bugfix: When cloud snippets are updated from within the plugin, the hooks are reset
- Bugfix: Improved compatibility with the Cloud, when moving snippets between WPCodeBox 1 and WPCodeBox 2
- Bugfix: When downloading a partial from the cloud in WPCodeBox v1, the UI breaks
WPCodeBox 2 v1.0.3
Sunday, 28th May 2023- Bugfix: Snippet order not preserved when reordering using drag and drop
WPCodeBox 2 v1.0.2 released
Thursday, 25th May 2023- New Feature: Add "Unlink from Cloud" button to snippets context menu
- Bugfix: Autoreload not working when both WPCodeBox and WPCodeBox 2 are installed
- Bugfix: Snippets with very long descriptions not saved
- Bugfix: Snippets with many conditions not saved
- Bugfix: Folder order not preserved
- Bugfix: In some cases, deleting a cloud snippet causes a local error
- Bugfix: Plain text snippets causing errors in some cases
- Bugfix: In some rare cases, CSS and SCSS snippets can be saved with the plugins_loaded hook
- Bugfix: Functionality plugin generating errors in some cases
WPCodeBox 2 v1.0.1 released
Friday, 19th May 2023- Bugfix: Warning when both WPCodeBox and WPCodeBox 2 are installed
- Bugfix: Async and defer options not rendered on external JS tags
- Bugfix: Custom shortcode parameters are not passed to custom shortcodes
- Bugfix: Create/download from cloud is not working for very large snippets
- Bugfix: Frontend header (After page builders) hook not rendering JS and CSS snippets
- Bugfix: Deprecated notices in PHP 8.2 in the update library
- Bugfix: WPCodeBox error page is showing for non-WPCodeBox errors
WPCodeBox 2 v1.0.0 released
Tuesday, 9th May 2023- New Feature: Monaco Editor
- New Feature: Autocomplete for all WordPress actions & filters & Parameters
- New Feature: Functionality Plugin (Experimental)
- New Feature: WooCommerce hooks snippet insertion for HTML and PHP Snippets
- New Feature: Color picker for CSS/SCSS/LESS
- New Feature: SCSS Partials
- New Feature: Render PHP/HTML snippets using custom shortcodes
- New Feature: Actions and custom actions for rendering snippets
- New Feature: Option to render CSS/SCSS after page builders’ CSS
- New Feature: Show local variables in autocomplete
- New Feature: Save UI Settings to the cloud
- New Feature: Execute PHP snippets using a secure external URL
- New Feature: Collapse left/right panes using Ctrl + 1/Ctrl + 2
- New Feature: Added do not render to PHP snippets so they can be included via code
- New Feature: Emmet support
- New Feature: Oxygen Color Integration
- New Feature: Bricks Color Integration
- New Feature: Automatic CSS Integration
- New Feature: WordPress hooks and action reference on hover
- New Feature: Code map that can be disabled in settings
- New Feature: CSS Variables support and autocomplete
- New Condition: User logged in
- New Condition: User device (mobile/desktop)
- Improvement: Use custom tables to store data for better performance
- Improvement: Added info about safe mode on the error page
- Improvement: Show notice when Safe Mode is active
- Improvement: Added “Reload Local Snippets” button
- Improvement: Removed jQuery from Live Reload CSS
- Improvement: Close the context menu when clicking on another snippet
- Improvement: Added post name to the WPCodeBox custom post types
- Improvement: Removed arrow from priority input in Firefox
- Improvement: Complete backend rewrite for improved performance
- Improvement: Better error detection and handling
- Improvement: Add loader when running manual snippets
- Improvement: Allow the saving of SCSS/LESS snippets even if the compilation fails
- Improvement: Action/priority/shortcode are saved to the cloud
- Improvement: Set “plugins_loaded” as the default action for PHP snippets
- Improvement: Make the editor fill the height
- Improvement: Removed the plugins_loaded notice
- Improvement: Added wp_body_open hook
- Improvement: Fire wpcb_snippet_disabled action when a snippet is disabled
- Improvement: Small security Improvements
- Bugfix: PHP Notice when using the post parent conditions for posts that don't have a parent
- Bugfix: When editing cloud snippets, the name is not updated in the list automatically
- Bugfix: The key is not checked on autoreload, causing compatibility issues with some plugins
- Bugfix: Snippet status not updated when downloading a snippet from the cloud
- Bugfix: Taxonomy “Is not” condition is not working correctly
- Bugfix: LESS is not working on PHP 8
- Bugfix: Current snippet is not always selected when refreshing the page
- Bugfix: Unsaved changes notification appears when there are no unsaved changes
- Bugfix: Delete snippets from the context menu doesn't always work
WPCodeBox 2.0.0 Beta 3.0 released
Thursday, 23rd Feb 2023- New Feature: Multiple insertion points for CSS/SCSS/LESS/JS Snippets
- New Feature: Enable Safe Mode by appending &safe_mode=1 to the WPCodeBox URL
- Improvement: Preserve Snippet toggle state before refreshes
- Improvement: Show WooCommerce actions only if WooCommerce installed
- Improvement: Catch output automatically in shortcodes (we can use echo)
- Improvement: Render shortcodes in HTML Snippets
- Improvement: Add Preview to SCSS Partials
- Improvement: Made the functionality plugin and description not editable for now
- Improvement: Removed the enable/disable context menu for SCSS Partials
- Beta Bugfix: Various Functionality Plugin errors and notices fixed
- Beta Bugfix: SCSS file saved multiple times in case of errors
- Beta Bugfix: Console errors in some cases that interfere with the WP menu on the WPCodeBox page
- Beta Bugfix: ACF/Metabox autocomplete is not working
- Beta Bugfix: DOM Inspector not highlighting elements
- Beta Bugfix: Preview iframe reloads when saving the snippet for the first time
- Beta Bugfix: Downloading a snippet from the cloud doesn’t update the code until refresh
- Beta Bugfix: CSS auto-reload in Preview is not smooth
- Beta Bugfix: Cache busting is not always working with JS Snippets
- Beta Bugfix: DOM Inspector not working
- Beta Bugfix: Fix notices and warnings
- Beta Bugfix: Error when uploading snippets with hooks to the cloud
- Beta Bugfix: When on a cloud snippet and clicking “New Snippet”, the code is carried over from the cloud snippet
- Beta Bugfix: Error when using condition too early
- Beta Bugfix: Current logged-in user condition missing
- Beta Bugfix: Uncaught error when there is an error in a “Root” defined snippet
- Beta Bugifx: Conditions error in Functionality Plugin
- Beta Bugfix: Autoreload not taking account of the conditions
- Beta Bugfix: In some cases, when using the Functionality Plugin, Inline CSS Snippets not loading on the frontend
- Bugfix: Tooltips show under the WP menu
- Bugfix: Overflow issue when there’s a long error
- Bugfix: When switching from Manual Snippet to cloud snippet, the run button is not hidden
- Bugfix: In some cases, when editing a cloud snippet, the type changes from CSS to PHP
- Bugfix: Upload to the cloud in the context menu doesn’t work for snippets in folders
WPCodeBox 2.0.0 Beta 2.3 released
Monday, 19th Dec 2022- Bugfix: PHP Notice when using the post parent conditions for posts that don't have a parent
- Beta Bugfix: DOM Inspector not working with Monaco Editor
- Beta Bugfix: Error when deactivating and activating the plugin in some cases
- Beta Bugfix: PHP Warning/Notices in some edge cases
- Beta Bugfix: PHP Error when editing an SCSS Partial that is included in an SCSS Snippet
- Beta Bugfix: Settings not saving consistently on new installs
WPCodeBox 2.0.0 Beta 2.2 released
Saturday, 10th Dec 2022- Beta Bugfix: PHP Notice when running certain PHP Snippets
- Beta Bugfix: SCSS Snippets not recompiled when saving a contained partial
- Beta Bugfix: Minify not working for SCSS and LESS
- Beta Bugfix: Autoreload not working when there were no inline snippets saved
- Beta Bugfix: Some themes not correctly mapped, resulting in the wrong theme selected
- Beta Bugfix: Settings not saved correctly
WPCodeBox 2.0.0 Beta 2.1 released
Thursday, 8th Dec 2022- Beta Bugfix: When changing some settings, they are not preserved on page refresh
- Beta Bugfix: Conditions are not working correctly for some CSS/JS Snippets
- Beta Bugfix: Cmd + S not working on Mac
- Beta Bugfix: PHP Snippets created in V1 are not running if they are not saved
- Beta Bugfix: Conditions for CSS in the Functionality Plugin
WPCodeBox 2.0.0 Beta 2.0 released
Sunday, 4th Dec 2022- New Feature: Monaco Editor
- New Feature: Autocomplete for all WordPress actions & filters & Parameters
- New Feature: WooCommerce hooks snippet insertion for HTML and PHP Snippets
- New Feature: Color picker for CSS/SCSS/LESS
- New Feature: Oxygen Color Integration
- New Feature: Bricks Color Integration
- New Feature: Automatic CSS Integration
- New Feature: WordPress hooks and action reference on hover
- New Feature: Code map that can be disabled in settings
- New Feature: CSS Variables support and autocomplete
- New Condition: User logged in
- New Condition: User device (mobile/desktop)
- Improvement: Added info about safe mode on the error page
- Improvement: Show notice when Safe Mode is active
- Improvement: Added “Reload Local Snippets” button
- Improvement: Removed jQuery from Live Reload CSS
- Improvement: Close the context menu when clicking on another snippet
- Improvement: Added post name to the WPCodeBox custom post types
- Improvement: Removed arrow from priority input in Firefox
- Beta Bugfix: Fixed PHP warnings
- Beta Bugfix: Fixed autoreload issues
- Beta Bugfix: Fixed error reporting and detection issues
- Beta Bugfix: Inconsistent snippet enabled/disabled state
- Beta Bugfix: Cannot upload snippet to cloud when it’s in a folder and right-clicking on it
- Beta Bugfix: Bug when running HTML snippet as shortcode
WPCodeBox 2.0.0 Beta 1.0 released
Monday, 17th Oct 2022- New Feature: Functionality Plugin (Experimental)
- New Feature: SCSS Partials
- New Feature: Render PHP/HTML snippets using custom shortcodes
- New Feature: Actions and custom actions for rendering snippets
- New Feature: Option to render CSS/SCSS after page builders’ CSS
- New Feature: Show local variables in autocomplete
- New Feature: Save UI Settings to the cloud
- New Feature: Execute PHP snippets using a secure external URL
- New Feature: Collapse left/right panes using Ctrl + 1/Ctrl + 2
- New Feature: Added do not render to PHP snippets so they can be included via code
- New Feature: Emmet support
- Improvement: Complete backend rewrite for improved performance
- Improvement: Better error detection and handling
- Improvement: Add loader when running manual snippets
- Improvement: Allow the saving of SCSS/LESS snippets even if the compilation fails
- Improvement: Action/priority/shortcode are saved to the cloud
- Improvement: Set “plugins_loaded” as the default action for PHP snippets
- Improvement: Make the editor fill the height
- Improvement: Removed the plugins_loaded notice
- Improvement: Added wp_body_open hook
- Improvement: Fire wpcb_snippet_disabled action when a snippet is disabled
- Improvement: Small security Improvements
- Bugfix: When editing cloud snippets, the name is not updated in the list automatically
- Bugfix: The key is not checked on autoreload, causing compatibility issues with some plugins
- Bugfix: Snippet status not updated when downloading a snippet from the cloud
- Bugfix: Taxonomy “Is not” condition is not working correctly
- Bugfix: LESS is not working on PHP 8
- Bugfix: Current snippet is not always selected when refreshing the page
- Bugfix: Unsaved changes notification appears when there are no unsaved changes
- Bugfix: Delete snippets from the context menu doesn't always work
WPCodeBox 1.4.1 released
Tuesday, 7th Jun 2022- Bugfix: Fix error when snippet has certain conditions
WPCodeBox 1.4.0 released
Tuesday, 7th Jun 2022- New Feature: Select hook execution location for PHP code snippets
- New Feature: Edit Cloud Snippets directly
- New Feature: Code Formatter for PHP/JS/CSS/SCSS snippets
- New Feature: ACF Autocomplete (if ACF is installed)
- New Feature: Meta Box Autocomplete (if Meta Box is installed)
- New Feature: Context menu for Code Snippets
- New Feature: Clone snippets from the context menu
- New Feature: Hook suggestions when adding ACF Code
- New Feature: Hook suggestions when adding Meta Box Code
- New Feature: Add cache-busting string to static assets on code snippet save
- Improvement: Workaround for the need to add secret keys on Local by Flywheel
- Improvement: Unload notice and confirmation if you have unsaved changes and want to leave the page/refresh
- Improvement: Mark snippet as changed when editing conditions
- Improvement: Make snippet list scrollable
- Improvement: Make code snippet top-bar smaller
- Improvement: User Role condition
- Improvement: Login Page condition
- Improvement: Allow the removal of the 1st condition in a group
- Improvement: Better support for CSS variables
- Bugfix: Inconsistencies when downloading an already opened code snippet from the cloud
- Bugfix: Snippet drag and drop doesn’t work in Firefox
- Bugfix: Snippet order resets in the UI if you drag and drop snippets and then you open/close the folder
- Bugfix: Inconsistencies when downloading an already opened code snippet from the cloud
- Bugfix: Taxonomy condition triggers warning
WPCodeBox 1.3.3 Beta 1.4 released
Wednesday, 1st Jun 2022- New Feature: Select hook execution location for code snippets
- New Feature: ACF Autocomplete
- New Feature: Hook suggestions when adding ACF Code
- New Feature: Meta Box Autocomplete
- New Feature: Hook suggestions when adding Meta Box Code
- New Feature: Add cache-busting string to static assets on code snippet save
- Improvement: Make code snippet top-bar smaller
- Beta Bugfix: Warning in Login Condition
- Beta Bugfix: Unload notice appearing even when there are unsaved changes
- Beta Bugfix: Issue when scrolling in Edge
WPCodeBox 1.3.3 Beta 1.3 released
Saturday, 14th May 2022- New Feature: Edit Cloud Snippets directly
- New Feature: User Role condition
- New Feature: Login Page condition
- New Feature: Code Formatter for PHP/JS/CSS/SCSS snippets
- New Feature: Unload notice and confirmation if you have unsaved changes and want to leave the page/refresh
- New Feature: Context menu for Code Snippets
- New Feature: Clone snippets from the context menu
- Improvement: Mark snippet as changed when editing conditions
- Improvement: Allow the removal of the 1st condition in a group
- Improvement: Make snippet list scrollable
- Improvement: Better support for CSS variables
- Improvement: User Role condition
- Bugfix: Inconsistencies when downloading an already opened code snippet from the cloud
- Bugfix: Snippet drag and drop doesn't in Firefox
- Bugfix: Snippet order reset in UI if you drag and drop snippets and then you open/close the folder
- Bugfix: Line wrap not applied to pasted code
WPCodeBox 1.3.3 Beta 1.2 released
Monday, 18th Apr 2022- Improvement: Better support for CSS variables
- Bugfix: Inconsistencies when downloading an already opened code snippet from the cloud
WPCodeBox 1.3.3 Beta 1.1 released
Sunday, 17th Apr 2022- Bugfix: Taxonomy condition triggers warning
WPCodeBox 1.3.3 Beta 1.0 released
Sunday, 10th Apr 2022- Bugfix: Taxonomy condition triggers warning
WPCodeBox 1.3.2 released
Thursday, 17th Mar 2022- New Feature: Edit multiple Code Snippets, without loosing changes when switching between them
- New Feature: Preview Cloud Snippets
- New Feature: Drag And Drop Snippets and Folders to reorder them
- New Feature: CSS Preview Window with DOM Inspector
- New Feature: Change layouts from Plugin Settings
- New Feature: Enable Dark Mode from Plugin Settings
- New Feature: Wrap Long Lines in Plugin Settings
- New Feature: Snippet quick Enable/Disable from the Snippet List
- Improvement: Search works in Snippet Code
- Improvement: Set priority to the default 10 when downloading a snippet from the cloud
- Improvement: In case a snippet is disabled because of an error, show the line number in the error report
- Improvement: Added filter to rename "Quick Actions" text
- Improvement: Preserve collapsed middle pane state when switching snippets
- Improvement: Do not autosuggest in comments
- Improvement: Do not autosuggest in strings
- Improvement: Do not autosuggest when opening PHP tag
- Bugfix: Deleting Condition Group deletes the last group, not the current one
- Bugfix: SCSS/LESS rendered as external file not loaded correctly
- Bugfix: When pressing delete in Snippet Title or Description, the delete snippet pop-up opens
- Bugfix: PHP Warning when rendering external JS Scripts with no tag options
WPCodeBox 1.3.2 Beta 1.5 released
Monday, 14th Mar 2022- New Feature: Drag and Drop reorder for Cloud Code Snippets
- Improvement: Dark mode UI Improvements
- Improvement: Improved DOM inspector and selector detector
- Beta Bugfix: Wrap long lines not preserved when switching code snippets
- Beta Bugfix: Snippet completers appearing in CSS comments
- Beta Bugfix: Preview issues (iframe refreshing by itself in some cases)
- Beta Bugfix: Settings Dark Mode/Layout not working correctly in some cases
WPCodeBox 1.3.2 Beta 1.4 released
Saturday, 19th Feb 2022- Beta Bugfix: In some cases the editor shows only a few lines of code
- Beta Bugfix: Disable preview when deleting the current snippet
- Beta Improvement: Preserve the preview URL when switching between snippets
- Beta Improvement: Removed enable/disable toggle from folders
- Beta Improvement: The switch that toggles enable/disable snippets inverted
- Bugfix: Deleting Condition Group deletes the last group, not the current one
- Bugfix: SCSS/LESS rendered as external file not loaded correctly
WPCodeBox 1.3.2 Beta 1.3 released
Tuesday, 15th Feb 2022- New Feature: CSS Preview Window with DOM Inspector
- New Feature: Drag And Drop Snippets and Folders to reorder them
- New Feature: Change layouts from Plugin Settings
- New Feature: Enable Dark Mode from Plugin Settings
- New Feature: Wrap Long Lines in Plugin Settings
- New Feature: Snippet/Folder quick Enable/Disable from the Snippet List
- Improvement: Search works in Snippet Code
- Improvement: Set priority to the default 10 when downloading a snippet from the cloud
- Improvement: In case a snippet is disabled because of an error, show the line number in the error report
- Improvement: Added hook to rename "Quick Actions" text
- Beta Bugfix: Inconsistent save icon state
- Bugfix: Warning when rendering external JS Scripts with no tag options
WPCodeBox 1.3.2 Beta 1.2 released
Tuesday, 25th Jan 2022- New Feature: Edit multiple Code Snippets, without loosing changes when switching between them
- New Feature: Preview Cloud Snippets
- Improvement: Preserve collapsed middle pane state when switching snippets
- Improvement: Do not autosuggest in comments
- Improvement: Do not autosuggest in strings
- Improvement: Do not autosuggest when opening PHP tag
- Bugfix: When pressing delete in Snippet Title or Description, the delete snippet pop-up opens
- Bugfix: In some cases, upload CSS files to cloud worked inconsistently
WPCodeBox v1.3.1 released
Thursday, 23rd Dec 2021- Improvement: Added classes to select boxes to allow a Dark Mode snippet
- Bugfix: When using a read-only API Key cloud folder rename and upload is still available in UI
WPCodeBox v1.3.0 released
Wednesday, 22nd Dec 2021- New Feature: Integration with the API Key manager
- New Feature: Add/Manage External CSS and JS
- New Feature: CDNJS integration for adding external files (access and search over 4000 JS libraris from inside WPCodeBox)
- New Feature: Ability to defer/async external JS or JS that was saved to file
- New Feature: Quick Actions (add manual snippets to the top bar and run them with no page refresh)
- New Feature: HTML code snippet support
- New Feature: Save CSS/SCSS/JS to external file
- New Feature: Minify CSS/SCSS/JS code
- Improvement: Setting to show a confirmation before uploading a snippet to the cloud
- Improvement: Keep track of changes so we can detect overwriting of newer code to the cloud in the future
- Improvement: CSS Autoreload revamp, no need to refresh, autoreload external CSS/SCSS with cache busting
- Improvement: New and improved local folder logic
- Improvement: Preserve the current open snippet when reloading the page
- Improvement: Don't fail when unable to load local or cloud snippets, display an error
- Improvement: Don't run snippets on WPCodeBox requests (so you can still access WPCodeBox in case of error)
- Improvement: Don't open folders on hover, just highlight them
- Improvement: Delete selected code snippet when pressing DELETE
- Bugfix: Snippets not updated when deleting a cloud folder (changes appearing only after refresh)
- Bugfix: Drag snippets outside of cloud folders doesn't work
- Bugfix: Some very rare compatibility issues with certain server setups
WPCodeBox 1.3.0 Beta 1.1 released
Thursday, 9th Dec 2021- New Feature: Add/Manage External CSS and JS
- New Feature: CDNJS integration for adding external files (access and search over 4000 JS libraris from inside WPCodeBox)
- New Feature: Ability to defer/async external JS or JS that was saved to file
- Bugfix: Some very rare compatibility issues with certain server setups
WPCodeBox 1.3.0 Beta 1.0 released
Wednesday, 17th Nov 2021- New Feature: Quick Actions (add manual snippets to the top bar and run them with no page refresh)
- New Feature: HTML code snippet support
- New Feature: Save CSS/SCSS/JS to external file
- New Feature: Minify CSS/SCSS/JS code
- Improvement: Setting to show a confirmation before uploading a snippet to the cloud
- Improvement: Keep track of changes so we can detect overwriting of newer code to the cloud in the future
- Improvement: CSS Autoreload revamp, no need to refresh, autoreload external CSS/SCSS with cache busting
- Improvement: New and improved local folder logic
- Improvement: Preserve the current open snippet when reloading the page
- Improvement: Don't fail when unable to load local or cloud snippets, display an error
- Improvement: Don't run snippets on WPCodeBox requests (so you can still access WPCodeBox in case of error)
- Improvement: Don't open folders on hover, just highlight them
- Bugfix: Snippets not updated when deleting a cloud folder (changes appearing only after refresh)
- Bugfix: Drag snippets outside of cloud folders doesn't work
WPCodeBox v1.2.1 released
Sunday, 3rd Oct 2021- Improvement: Set focus back to the input field when creating a new cloud folder
- Improvement: Added the editor font to the plugin, so that the experience is more consistent across different OS's
- Bugfix: Code editor UI issues on Windows PCs
- Bugfix: After saving the settings, the Font Size input field was empty
- Bugfix: In some cases, when dragging a local snippet to a folder, an error would appear in the error log
WPCodeBox v1.2.0 released
Saturday, 2nd Oct 2021- Improvement: Cloud Folders (create folders to organize your cloud snippets)
- Improvement: Added TXT file support (for notes that can be saved in the cloud)
- Improvement: Added editor settings (theme and font size)
- Improvement: UI Improvements
- Bugfix: When selecting header for CSS or JS, the script would be actually loaded in the footer
- Bugfix: When deleting local folders, sometimes child snippets are not deleted
- Bugfix: When having a folder open and deleting another folder, the next folder would be open
WPCodeBox v1.1.8 released
Monday, 2nd Aug 2021 Improvement: Add the option to move WPCodeBox to the tools menu Bugfix: Parent post condition not working Bugfix: When changing the snippet priority, the save icon doesn't turn orange (to notify of unsaved changes) Bugfix: When changing the header/footer option, the value defaults to footer Bugfix: Custom PHP condition UI appears over select elements (Z-index problem)
WPCodeBox v1.1.7 released
Thursday, 22nd Jul 2021 Improvement: Condition builder (for building complex conditions for when to run/not run snippets) Improvement: Added option to run CSS and JS in header or footer Improvement: Added the snippet priority option, to modify snippet execution order Improvement: Long names in cloud snippets make titles jump on hover which can be distracting Bugfix: Hide Code Snippets from the Oxygen preview select Bugfix: Make CSS and JS run correctly in the admin area
WPCodeBox v1.1.6 released - maintenance release
Wednesday, 16th Jun 2021- Bugfix: Editor height too small, especially on 4k displays
- Bugfix: Cloud snippets not always updated correctly
- Bugfix: Error when enabling dev mode for CSS snippets that are set to run on the frontend
- Bugfix: Error when saving SCSS and having WP-SCSS enabled
- Bugfix: Fonts not found error in console
- Bugfix: When switching the snippet from custom to manual, the page conditions are not hidden
WPCodeBox v1.1.5 released
Thursday, 10th Jun 2021- Bugfix: Admin notice when repeatedly activating/deactivating the plugin
WPCodeBox v1.1.4 released
Tuesday, 8th Jun 2021- SASS integration
- LESS integration
- Run/don't run snippets on multiple pages/posts
- Download manually running Snippets from the Snippet Repository
- Hide license keys on the frontend
- UI Improvements
WPCodeBox v1.1.3 released
Wednesday, 19th May 2021- Added JS support
- Fixed CSS files appearing as PHP inside folders
- Fixed conflict with FluentSMTP
- Fixed running CSS snippets on archive pages
WPCodeBox v1.1.2 released
Friday, 14th May 2021- Added new version and update notifications in the dashboard
- Added cache busting to static CSS assets
- Added access to the snippet repository from within the plugin
- Improved the way snippets run, make them run at a lower level
- Fixed snippets that should run everywhere not running
WPCodeBox v1.1.1 released
Sunday, 9th May 2021- Fixed: snippets that should run everywhere are not running
WPCodeBox v1.1.0 released
Sunday, 2nd May 2021- Added support for CSS files
- Added auto-refresh for CSS changes
- Added the ability to select on which pages/posts the snippets should run
- Added the ability to collapse the edit snippet pane
- Added wrapping for long lines in the editor
WPCodeBox v1.0.4 released
Thursday, 29th Apr 2021- Allow the parsing of nested HTML and JS code
WPCodeBox v1.0.3 released
Wednesday, 21st Apr 2021- Fixed compatibility with Fluent Forms
WPCodeBox v1.0.2 released
Wednesday, 21st Apr 2021- Fixed running code with nested quotes
WPCodeBox v1.0.1 released
Wednesday, 21st Apr 2021- The description is now a textarea.
- Allow the code editor to run on HTTP auth pages.
- Fixed header auth problems on some browsers.
- Fixed long snippet names change the cloud icon size.
- Fixed snippet running priority.
- Fixed snippet error reporting and disabling.
- Fixed small UI problems.