Improvement: Various Functionality Plugin improvements and cleanup of generated code
Improvement: Added “Exactly Matches” option to the URL condition
Improvement: Support for nested SCSS partials
Improvement: Removed the auto-reload code from the Functionality Plugin and used it from WPCodeBox. This was breaking the FP when WPCodeBox was removed
Improvement: Functionality Plugin revamp based on user feedback (bugfixes and improvements)
Improvement: Add the ability to add API_KEY in wp-config.php file (define(‘WPCB_API_KEY’, ‘YOUR_API_KEY’);)
Improvement: Disabled autocomplete in CSS comments
Improvement: “Upload to cloud” changed to “Update" when the snippet is already saved to the cloud
Improvement: Top bar text changes so it can fit on a single row, show the shortcuts in tooltips, and show the relevant key shortcuts based on OS (Cmd on Mac and Ctrl on PC)
Improvement: Move external CSS and JS snippets to the Functionality Plugin when it is enabled instead of loading them from the wp-uploads folder
Improvement: Updated the SCSS compiler library to the latest version
Improvement: Namespaced the update library
Improvement: On smaller displays, the repository buttons are not visible
Improvement: Optimize repository calls only when the Repository is open
Improvement: Added separate classes to the Cloud Snippet list so they can be customized using CSS (.cloud-snippet-list)
Bugfix: Long snippet names caused snippets not to save
Bugfix: Snippet toggles slow in some instances
Bugfix: Issues with minifying and compiling SCSS introduced in the latest beta
Bugfix: Enable/Disable toggles appearing for TXT snippets
Bugfix: Functionality Plugin not updated when moving snippets to folders
Bugfix: Extra spaces are present around HTML snippets that render using shortcodes
Bugfix: “Invalid Archive" error when uploading WPCodeBox on WordPress v6.4.3
Bugfix: Hook priority isn’t changeable
Bugfix: AutomaticCSS autocompletion was not appearing when the line ends in something different than “color:”
Bugfix: Don’t compile partials that are commented out
Bugfix: When you download a Cloud Snippet, the description is not updated until a page refresh
Bugfix: When you add more than one custom PHP condition, the condition editor won’t load for the 2nd one
Bugfix: In some rare cases (probably when two users edit the snippet at the same time), an empty snippet is created that will break the UI and require deletion from the database
Bugfix: When you download the UI settings from the cloud, the Codemap option is enabled, regardless of the state
Bugfix: “Download/Upload from the cloud” is still visible in the context menu, even when using a read-only or disabled API key
Bugfix: Condition builder appearing for SCSS partials
Bugfix: PHP warning when Oxygen color list is empty
Bugfix: Minification converts 0% to 0, but 0% is required for HSL CSS rendering
Bugfix: External CSS files loaded incorrectly in some cases
Bugfix: Date conditions don’t work in some cases
Bugfix: admin_head not working for HTML snippets
Bugfix: “Format Code” not working in SCSS partials
Bugfix: When dragging a disabled snippet to a folder, the toggle in the UI shows it as enabled
Bugfix: CSS Snippets not working in Functionality Plugin
Bugfix: In Safari, the snippet status overlaps the save button
Bugfix: When uploading a folder to the cloud, the snippets in the folder are duplicated
Bugfix: Format code shortcut saves snippet instead of formatting the code